mbedit Users Manual

English Deutsch

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Installation
2.1 Example: Linux
2.2 Example: MS-DOS/Windows
3. Express Operating Instructions
4. Invocation Command

5. Display Organisation
5.1. Displays in Status Line 1
5.2. Displays in Status Line 2
5.3. Inputs in Status Line 2
5.4. Input of Filenames with Wildcards

6. Commands
6.1. General
6.2. Overview
6.3. Explanations
6.4. Function Keys
6.5. Set Options

7. History
7.1. History Function
7.2. History File
7.3. Status File

8. Online Calculator
8.1. Usage
8.2. Operators / Priorities
8.3. Calc Variables, numerical
8.4. Calc Variables, Strings
8.5. Predefined Variables
8.6. Predefined String Variables
8.7. Error Messages

9. Macros
9.1. General
9.2. Macro Handling
9.3. Macro Control Codes
9.4. Macro File
9.5. Macro Types
9.6. The Macro "INIT"
9.7. The Macro "EXIT"

10. Special Features
10.1. Environment Variables
10.2. mbedit and unix (vt 100 mode)
10.3. mbedit and X11
10.4. Window Size in X11
10.5. Memory Management
10.6. Internal Representation of Characters
10.7. Mouse Support for MS-DOS

11. Port to other Platforms
11.1. Compilation of mbedit
11.2. Notes for Programming


A. mbedit Error Messages
B. PC-8 Character Set
C. Color Settings in Macro File
D. History of Modifications
E. Syntax Highlighting