4. Invocation Command

- mbedit is invoced with the following syntax:
   mbedit [filenames] [options]

    - The sequence of [filenames] and [options] is obligatory.

    - [filenames]: [<filename 1>] [<filename 2>] ... [<filename n>]

      mbedit is able to edit a number of several files simultaneously.
      The upper limit is established to 26 at the moment.

      The number of editable files is normally 2, but can be modified with
      a set option (1 to 26). If the invocation command contains n filenames,
      the number of files will be set to n automatically.

      The editor can also be invoced without giving a filename at all,
      e.g. for use of the online calculator.

    - [options]  : [- | last_again] [vo | viewonly] [batch]
                   [nomacro] [macro(<macrofile>)]

       - - | last_again: The same file constellation as from the last edit
                         session will be invoked. Even the cursor will be at
                         the same position.

       - vo | viewonly:  The file can only be read, but not modified. With 
                         this option you can protect the file against
                         modifications by mistake.

       - batch:          The commands for mbedit can be read from a datafile
                         by application of an input redirection. In this case
                         it might be helpful, to suppress the display with the
                         option "batch". The commands are executed a little
                         bit faster then.

       - nomacro:        mbedit normally searches for the default macro file 
                         "MBEDIT.MAC". With this option, the reading of the 
                         macro file may be suppressed (see also chapters 
                         "Macros" and "Macro File").

       - macro(<macrofile>):  With this command, you can advise mbedit to read
                         another macro file instead of "MBEDIT.MAC".
                         In this option, <space>s before and in between the 
                         brackets are forbidden.

- Invocation of mbedit with one of the options "-?", "-h" or "-help" will
  cause a brief help display about the invocation syntax.