Photo Quiz
Entertaining game with pictures
The app unveils a picture - step by step. The first player who recognizes
the picture, is the the winner.
Version History
VersionCode (VersionName)
- 13 (1.13): App adapted to Android 11
- 12 (1.12): Update to targetSdkVersion 29
- 11 (1.11): Update to targetSdkVersion 28
- 10 (1.10): Handling of permissions, possibly create new config file
- 9 (1.9): Improved handling of permission (multilingual)
- 8 (1.8): Handling of permission (read / write ext. storage)
- 7 (1.7): Improved detection of ext. SD Card
- 6 (1.6): For Android 7.0: textAllCaps false
- 5 (1.5): Improved detection of all image files
- 4 (1.4): Improvement for asus Nexus 7
- 3 (1.3): Modifications for banner ad (lite version only)
- 2 (1.2): Modifications for banner ad (lite version only)
- 1 (1.1): Initial Version